We are passionate about this work and would love to help you join a growing number of daring leadership educators willing to use this approach for the sake of deep, meaningful leadership development.
An assumption that grounds all case-in-point teaching: we are effective in teaching leadership ONLY WHEN we as facilitators both model and exercise leadership in the classroom space. As leadership development practitioners, our call to leadership expresses itself through our ability to build leadership capacity in others. Rather than “talking about” leadership, case-in-point gives educators access to engage in acts of leadership themselves.
In our course about teaching with Case-in-Point we have distilled what we are learned about teaching this way and teach it using Case-in-point. Be warned: the feeling is more like facilitating a discussion than traditional lecturing and this might seem disorienting at first, especially if you have been using conventional lecture up to this point. We ask you to whether your initial surprise or disorientation and keep going.

We teach this course and share with you its companion online video resource because we have experienced the power of Case-in-point, especially as it applies to the effective exercise of leadership in the classroom. Consequently, until the light goes on for you, and when you will find yourself wondering if the challenge of dealing with these at first unfamiliar or new perspectives is worth it, you will need to remind yourself of the promise of “leadership in the moment.”
What we present in our course is meant to challenge your current worldview of how to teach leadership – online and face-to-face – and your mindset regarding the exercise of leadership from the front of the room.
Get ready to be surprised! When you remain open to this new approach to leadership development, Case-in-point will begin to crystallize and – we predict – energize , even galvanize your own teaching . As has been the case for the two of us, you might never want to teach in any other way again!
We hope you join us! To possibilities!
-Adriano & David
Our session is $599.00. Our early bird rate (until Sept.29) is $499 – Call 202-262-3371 for Group rates.
- Delivery of a 2-day session with plenty of opportunities for practice!
- Free “TEACHABLE MOMENTS OF LEADERSHIP” the e-book written by Adriano Pianesi and Jill Hufnagel on Case-in-point (a $29.00 value);
- 6‐Question survey link for needs analysis sent by e‐mail to all participants before class to assess your specific needs;
- A set of Job Aids on “Case in Point” ; “Experiential Learning Methodologies”; “Keeping a Case-in-Point Conversation Going” and “The first 3 minutes;”
- Case-in-Point articles and reference materials
This 2-day class is currently scheduled for November 6-7 2017
This class has a minimum of 12 participants.
The class is held for both days in the DC Campus of the Carey Business School:
DC Campus – Room room 205 – 1625 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington DC 20036

Copyright 2008 Leadersh1p.com – All rights reserved
For more information call 202-262-3371 or email adriano@pianesi.com