Change Canvas Checklists (PDF)

Change Canvas Checklists

The checklist is a way to review and learn from your work on the Change Canvas. After you have entered your answers in the canvas and have filled all the boxes, take your time to stretch the horizon of possibilities by answering those questions.

The goal: to boost the chances of success of your change initiative, by verifying the linkage, coherence and blind spot of your Change Canvas.

Take your time. And feel free to modify or re-elaborate the content you have already entered in the canvas, until you get to the Change Canvas that better fits you and your change initiative.

Step-by-step guide

Step 1

Download this PDF and print it.


Step 2

With your Change Canvas in front of you, answer to the best of your ability the questions in the checklist.


Step 3

Move fast and don’t overthink the answer. Modify the content of your Change Canvas as you see fit.

Get the Checklist in PDF