by Adriano Pianesi | Sep 27, 2020 | collaboration, creating resilient learners
Imagine you’ve been working long hours for several weeks on a critical deliverable. When you get home after a tough day, your significant other complains that you work too much, calling into question your ability to be in a relationship. Which are your most likely...
by Adriano Pianesi | Jan 1, 2020 | collaboration, collaboration lab, Uncategorized
We often get into action to satisfy our need for closure, not because we have the right action to pursue. Source: Learn the art of avoiding action for the sake of action | SmartBrief
by Adriano Pianesi | Sep 11, 2017 | collaboration
“Neither constancy nor relentless change will support a creation. A good creation, like good jazz, must balance the stable formula with frequent out-of-kilter notes. Equilibrium is death. Yet unless a system stabilizes to an equilibrium point, it is no better...
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